The Multihull sailing journal of Gavin and Catherine LeSueur and their three children - Estelle, Baden and Fletcher. Now 25 years and six multihulls down the track they continue the adventure of life at sea...


February 2017

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Tuesday, February 21st


IMG_3581 (98k image)
In the previous post Baden was hauling up the crab pot and trapped inside was a seahorse. I have never seen one as close and was pleased to see it gently handled and released back into the mangrove waters of the Moon river. A special site while we worked away on the cockpit hardtop.
docgav on 02.21.17 @ 10:17 PM EST [link]

Test positioning

IMG_3576 (126k image) With the hardtop now glassed it was time to position it aboard to ensure the heights and slopes are correct. The forward attachment will be a composite foam glass strut and the back corners two carbon fibre poles. The project has guided and helped by Michael, a good friend who has shared many adventures with us over the years. His professional advice and have a go attitude has pushed the project forward as a steady rate.
docgav on 02.21.17 @ 10:14 PM EST [link]

Baking the hardtop

IMG_3557 (163k image) The new hardtop, glassing complete and ready for fairing and painting, has been baked in the tropical sun to increase the stiffness. The pilot hatch has been cut out to the template and the edges cut back in the foam 20mm and replaced with glass rovings/epoxy glue to maintain the strength and stiffness.
The next task is to sit it on the bimini and position for supports.

docgav on 02.21.17 @ 10:58 AM EST [link]

Thursday, February 16th

Edging and stringers

IMG_3549 (89k image)
The hardtop edging is 15mm conduit which will be glassed in and then a strip routed out to provide the track for the vinyl windows and covers. To stiffen the 4m width of foam we have glued in three laminated cedar stingers (each laminate x 2 peices of 15mm x 30mm cedar) using unidirectional glass as the glue. These will be further coved and glassed to finish off.
docgav on 02.16.17 @ 09:21 PM EST [link]

Wednesday, February 15th

The flip

IMG_3541 (88k image)With this inside laid up we flipped the top, position and checked the curve with the template for the jig and prepare for the top layup.
docgav on 02.15.17 @ 08:09 AM EST [link]


IMG_3530 (93k image) Initial layup was 400g unidrectional then 600g double bias. We are using R180 epoxy resin with slow hardner. The carport is air conditioned (blasted in from the house) to keep the wet season heat down a tad.
docgav on 02.15.17 @ 08:08 AM EST [link]

Preparing for initial glass layup

IMG_3521 (98k image) The foam was nailed down with small bullet head nails to the jig. These will pull through once we have glassed the inside of the roof.
docgav on 02.15.17 @ 08:06 AM EST [link]

Foam onto jig

IMG_3516 (89k image)We shaped the foam onto the jig, kerfing where needed to get the tighter angles
docgav on 02.15.17 @ 08:05 AM EST [link]

The old Bimini soft top

IMG_3470 (127k image)
Audacious has a soft top bimini. In the tropics these have issues due to the heavy rain and the heat (not really insulating). On a cat they also limit access to areas of the boom and securing the mainsail if you have issues with the lazyjacks or sailbag is complicated.
docgav on 02.15.17 @ 08:02 AM EST [link]

Thursday, February 9th

Cockpit hardtop

jig (94k image) The soft top bimini on our Crowther 43 'Audacious' is starting to fail due to sun damage and overload from solar panels and rain (we have had a lot of rain....) So the project commences to build a hardtop. To shape the 25mm foam core I traced the current cabin top shape onto some cheap flooring timber and from this shape Michael and I have constructed our jig. The foam will be laid and shaped in this, glassing the inside before flipping. As we progress there will be a few pics and stories for those interested.
docgav on 02.09.17 @ 10:03 PM EST [link]

Sunday, February 5th

Catamaran Windswept reaches the tropics.

windswept6 (185k image)After modifying the cabin and fitting a new set of kevlar sails Catherine and I sailed the east coast, Mallacoota to Lizard Island in far North Queensland. Estelle was our crew - turning three in Townsville.
docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:24 AM EST [link]

Cabin Modifications for WIndswept

windswept5 (99k image) Ian Johnston and Gavin Le Sueur modify the cabin on the catamaran windswept in Tasmania after a Three Peaks Race. The two singles bunks became two doubles. Luxury!

docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:24 AM EST [link]

Back to sea for Windswept.

windswept4 (108k image)
Mallacoota has a natural bar through the sand dunes and occasionally, at times of drought, is closes and the lake system becomes land locked. Catherine and I were keen to sail north and were not going to let 100 metres of sand get in the way of a cruise. I had a locum arranged so when it was time to go I made an announcment on the community radio for some muscle, borrowed the co-op tractor, slung some corrugated iron under the hulls, removed the rudders and we dragged and pushed her over the dunes.

docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:22 AM EST [link]

Windswept departing Mallacoota Inlet the hard way.

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A tractor and lots of locals pushed the catamaran WIndswept over the closed bar at Mallacoota Inlet.
docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:22 AM EST [link]

John West racing catamaran at start of Two handed Around Australia Race

windswept2 (139k image)The 1988 Bicentennial Two Handed Around Australia Yacht race started in strong winds and the first night blew a gale. A baptism that set the standard for what was, arguably, one of the toughest coastal races in the world.
docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:20 AM EST [link]

Windswept aka John West. Crowther 40 racing catamaran

windswept1 (39k image)
docgav on 02.05.17 @ 11:19 AM EST [link]