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11/14/2008: "Ode to Chaotic Harmony"
For the past five years Chaotic Harmony has been our home, our transport, our adventure. During the past three years we have explored the South West Pacific and our wonderful catamaran has been all, and more, than we could have dreamed. Safe, strong, dependable, fast when we have needed to go fast, comfortable in the deep deep blue. We have travelled 12,340 nautical miles together and arrived safely home in Cairns, Queensland, Australia with soul renewed, our lives expanded by the gift of experiencing different cultures, exploring unique countries and sharing the passion with our many cruising friends old and new. At times we were scared when the wind howled and the seas thrashed. At no time did we feel threatened. We are now anchored in Trinity Inlet, Cairns, and the hidden gem anchorages of the Pacific are but images on our laptop and memories seared into our being. We will be back again, doing it again somewhere. For now the LeSueur's will be based in Cairns for a few years. School, work, family and friends all need attention that we have missed - but the salt runs in our veins still.