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09/22/2007: "Here come the gories"
Catherine has a hidden talent known only to those who see her toil over material and machine. She is an excellent costume designer with the ability to take any bit of odd material and find the right role for it. We are in Fiji, not really a great material resource, and Catherine decided our theme for the best dressed dinghy competition would be 'meet the gories' - a vampire family (and one georgeous victim).
Estelle, resplendant in high heels, black negligee and two prominent neck bite marks, was draped over the dinghy bow holding dead flowers. She played the role so well that some of the audience thought she was a model rather than the real thing. With Gavin on the helm and mother vampire Catherine trying to keep Baden and Fletcher from scaring everyone to death we cirlced the judging area at a pace designed to keep the capes flowing. A fun day was had by all at this Musket Cove Race week event. The kids (big and small) all loved dressing up.